A traditional school with a contemporary heart

Tennis Interschool vs Otago Boys' High School

We hosted Otago Boys' High School for the annual tennis interschool, held at Stadium Southland on Monday 18 March.

We had eight talented boys line up to play in the interschool this year against Otago Boys' High School. Due to the weather, all of the games were played at Stadium Southland. Having three courts to play on made for a long day, with both singles and doubles matches to play.

Southland Boys' High School got off to a good start with doubles pairings Ollie Patterson and Henry Mitchell, and George Hammond and Matthew Cairns, winning their doubles. This put us at 2 all going into the singles.

Top seed Raff McIntosh had a big singles match win, along with Henry Mitchell who clinched a crucial win in a super tie. George Hammond and Ollie Patterson made light work of their games with dominant performances. A couple of tight singles losses meant the day was tied at 6 all after all matches, and a countback of sets was required to decide the winner. 

Otago Boys' High School very tightly won 13 sets to 12. A great performance all round from our young Southland Boys' High School team.

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