A traditional school with a contemporary heart

Youthmark Recipients 2023

Congratulations to the recipients of the 2023 Youthmark Young Achiever Awards: Nick Brown, Ruairidh MacCallum, Oshadha Perera, Gregor Rutledge, Matthew Smith, and Fraser Wilson.

Nick Brown

Nick has repeatedly displayed his prowess over many fields and endeavors, but, rather than innate skill, it is his diligence and determination that sets him apart. Nick understands that when talent fails, determination rises to the top. He also understands that to truly belong to an establishment, a person must be willing to give back more than they receive, to this end it is his service that is most evident when looking back on his school days. In 2022 Nick was elected as the student representative on the Board of Trustees and then in 2023 he was selected by his peers to hold the position of Deputy Head Prefect. 

Through his studies Nick has gained NCEA endorsements in both Levels 1 and 2. As a sportsman, the only term that properly describes Nick is excellence. He has been in the 1st XI for the last four years and as a cricketer he has risen to national recognition. He is the Southland U17 Captain, Otago U17 vice-Captain, a member of the Southland Mens Hawke Cup squad and was named Otago U19 batsmen of the year in 2023. 

In 2024 Nick intends to study Law and a Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Otago.

Ruairidh MacCallum

Ruairidh epitomizes what it truly means to be a Southland Boys’ High School student in the 21st century, excelling in cultural, sporting and academic fields as well as being recognized for his leadership and service. His service and leadership qualities were recognized in 2023 when he was voted overwhelmingly to the position of Head Prefect. Ruairidh has also sacrificed countless hours of his time helping people around him, which was acknowledged when he received a Bronze Award from the Student Volunteer Army. 

As an academic Ruairidh is at the top of his field having received Excellence Endorsements in NCEA Levels 1 and 2 and gaining admission into the SBHS Club in 2021 and 2022. In 2023 he will strive to be one of few students, ever, to gain an academic Gold Cap. 

However, to see Ruairidh at his absolute best we must look to the stage. As a singer, Ruairidh is a member of all three school choirs and is the current Choir Captain. He has held lead positions in junior and senior school productions and then built on this success taking key roles in the Invercargill Musical Theatre productions of We will Rock You and Jersey Boys. 

Oshadha Perera

Oshadha has excelled in a variety of academic, cultural and sporting pursuits. He received Excellence endorsements for NCEA Level 1 and 2, and he was inducted into the prestigious SBHS Club with an impressive 257 Excellence credits gained over two years. Oshadha has been a winner of the New Zealand Bright Awards and NASA Scientist for a Day Competition and was chosen to attend the MacDiarmid Institute’s Nano Camp in 2023. His writing has won national and international awards such as the Lancaster Writing Awards and NZPS Poetry Competition.

Oshadha enjoys helping others and giving back to the community. His service and leadership skills were recognised when he was named as a Prefect for 2023. He is also an Invercargill City Youth Councillor and the Head Student Librarian. 

Oshadha is a talented chess player and has been a member of the Southland Boys’ High School chess team for five years. He has represented SBHS at national competitions and received the SBHS Chess Champion Award in 2022. 

Oshadha has been proactive in making the most of the opportunities presented to him and attributes his achievements to passion and perseverance. In 2024, he plans to study Health Science at the University of Otago. 


Gregor Rutledge

Gregor is the perfect example of an all-rounder who excels in everything from the sporting field to the classroom. Gregor is an active leader involved in academic, sporting and service activities. He will graduate as one of very few students in the history of the school to have capped in three different fields as well as holding the position of Prefect and House Captain.

Gregor gained NCEA Excellence endorsements in both level 1 and 2 and a highlight of his academic success was being inducted into the SBHS Club and receiving his Academic Cap in 2022.  

Gregor is a natural sportsman representing the school in Rugby and Cricket and winning the Jules Tapper Memorial Prize in 2022. Gregor has been a part of the 1st XI for 4 years and the 1st XV for 2 years, receiving a cap in both sports and being appointed as the captain of the first XV in 2023. Gregor has represented Southland for both Rugby and Cricket from 2017 to 2023, his prowess has been acknowledged through selection to many Southland Representative teams as well as being a member of Rugby Southland Pre-Academy for the last 2 years.   

Next year, Gregor is planning to study Health Science at Otago University.  

Matthew Smith

Matthew is a high achiever who has pushed himself to succeed across several fields, from the classroom to the sports field, he has excelled and demonstrated what it means to be a Southland Boys High Student. 

Matthew’s leadership was recognised when he was named Deputy Head Prefect for 2023, as well as the Captain of the SBHS 1st XI Hockey Team. 

Matthew gained NCEA Excellence Endorsements in Level 1 and Level 2 and was inducted into the SBHS Club in 2021 and 2022, this year he hopes to be one of very few students to ever gain an academic Gold Cap. 

On the sports field Matthew has represented the School in hockey, rugby, softball, basketball and football making the 1st XI Hockey team as a junior student. Matthew has represented Southland in hockey, softball, basketball and football and was selected to represent New Zealand for Softball in 2020 and 2021. Matthew has also been a member of both the Unison and Momentum choirs and has performed as a lead role in school productions. 

In 2024, Matthew plans on studying a Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Otago.

Fraser Wilson

Fraser Wilson is an accomplished allrounder who displays pride, determination, and hard work in all his endeavours. 

Academically he achieves this through his willingness to learn and driving attitude. He gained Excellence Endorsements in NCEA Level 1 and 2 and a SBHS Academic Club Cap. As a communicator he has worked his way up to New Zealand Speech Board Grade 8 exam. Fraser has obtained the Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh Awards and is currently working towards Gold. 

Fraser is dedicated to doing his best achieving in the sporting field by gaining selection in the SBHS 1st XV Rugby Team and 1st XI Hockey Team in 2022 and 2023. He has represented Southland and Southland Country in both codes’ multiple times. He also competes in waterskiing and motocross showing his range of talents. 

Fraser’s strength as a leader led to him being selected as Head of Coldstream House, an SBHS Prefect and Coldstream Hostel Prefect. He has also captained many sports teams and given back to the community by coaching junior teams and volunteering when he can. 

Fraser has set goals for 2024 and intends to study towards a four-year Bachelor of Commerce degree at Otago University. 



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