A traditional school with a contemporary heart

Pink Ribbon High Tea

On Sunday, 25 June 2023, Southland Boys' High School hosted our first Pink Ribbon High Tea for the Breast Cancer Foundation NZ.

Thank you to everyone who attended our first Pink Ribbon High Tea - over 40 people! It was a memorable morning and one we hope to grow in future. The Southland Boys' High School Catering Team spoiled our guests with mouthwatering sweet and savoury treats and delicate sandwiches beautifully presented in high tea fashion. The catering students also showcased our school's values by volunteering their time on Saturday and Sunday to make this event a delicious reality. 

Our sincere gratitude goes out to all involved, with a special mention to Louise Hitchcock and her team of young chefs:

  • Kiedus Cracknell
  • G Lade
  • Ngakau McKerchar 
  • Paul Drummond
  • Tyler Thwaites
  • Caleb Tonkin
  • Lakai Wynne
  • Alex Winslade
  • Lhanz Morales
  • Kaden Skeggs

Ngā mihi maioha.


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